Recent Episodes
Noisy Rubbish
Marco Cher-Gibard, Zoe Scoglio, Camilla Hannan, Miyuki Jokiranta, Michelle Macklem
April 27, 2022
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“We're constantly trying to weigh our own wants and complicities against individual sacrifices and the perceived "difference" our actions can make. So what are we left with?”
Sophia Steinert-Evoy, Sarah Boothroyd
November 13, 2020
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Semiotic Shift
“Language is inextricably linked to land. In this episode, we explore how the shifts in the landscape have impacted language across generations and cultures.”
John Hill, Bartosz Panek
November 3, 2020
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Feel the Sky
Are We There Yet?
““Are We There Yet?” is a strange, recurring road-trip towards home. A home we can never really find or retrieve; while at the same time, being a home we have already found: the one that is already ours.”
Jaye Kranz
May 29, 2020
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The Burdened Land
“I wanted the work to have a distinct feeling of space and scale. I sought to explore the thematic interconnectedness between the migratory paths of birds and the sprawling supply chains of capital.”
Bassel Al-Rahim
May 29, 2020
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Past Podcast Seasons

2017 Season
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2018 Season
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2019 Season
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2020 Season
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Constellations is made in collaboration with:
Abinadi Meza / Adriene Lilly / Aidan McMahon / Aleksandra Bragoszewska / Aliya Pabani / Amias Hanley / Amita Kirpalani / Andrew Bateman / Angela Shackel / Anna Friz / Ariana Martinez / Arif Mirbaghi / Aurélie Lierman / Axel Kacoutié / Ayaz Kamani / Ayesha Barmania / Bartosz Panek / Bassel Al-Rahim / Bonnie Jones / Camilla Hannan / Chandra Melting Tallow / Cheldon Paterson / Chris Connolly / Clare Dolan / Craig Desson / Dennis Funk / Dylan Gauche / Ellie Gordon-Moershel / Erica Huang / Franco Falistoco Araya / Hildegard Westerkamp / Israel Martínez / James T. Green / Janet Rogers / Janna Graham / Jaye Kranz / Jeff Emtman / Jenn Stanley / Jess Shane / Joan Schuman / Joaquin Cófreces / John Hill / Jon Tjhia / Julie Shapiro / Kaija Siirala / Kamikaze Jones / Karen Werner / Kim Hiorthøy / La Cosa Preziosa / Maile Colbert / Mara Schwerdtfeger / Marco Cher-Gibard / Matthew Kariatsumari / Meira Asher / Michelle Macklem / Mike Williams / Miyuki Jokiranta / Mystery Box Contributors / Natalie Kestecher / Nicole Pingon / Nishant Singh / Olivia Bradley-Skill / Paolo Pietropaolo / Phil Smith / Phoebe Wang / Rachel Ní Chuinn / Rignam Wangkhang / Rui Costa / RUTMEAT / Sam Leeds / Sarah Boothroyd / Sisters Akousmatica / Sol Rezza / Sophia Steinert-Evoy / Tamara Montenegro / TK Matunda / Veronica Simmonds / Xen Nhà / Yardain Amron / Zoe Scoglio