


Basement Tapes of the Mole Cabal: Original song & plundered archival voices by by Karinne Keithley Syers

Between the EarsBold and experimental feature docs from some of the world's leading producers

Do or DIY: A mixture of pop and avant-garde side by side, sometimes on top of one another.

KunstRadio: Founded in 1987, Austrian-based Kunstradio facilitates collaborations between international artists within the rich world of radio-art

Long Live the New Sound: An eclectic selection of work by artists, archivists, producers and other interested parties to share and hear work that experiments in sound. Submit here.

Radioart106fmIconoclastic show which showcases experimental approaches by international radio artists, where the audience is assumed to embrace, or even demand, a deep, intense and stimulating listening/participatory experience

Radio Naked: Christof Migone's playful radio manifesto

Re:Sound: Third Coast Fest's Podcast that we love dearly. Some of our favourite episodes on Re:Sound are compilations of work by a single artist, like herehere, or here

Secret Soundscape Club: Joined by email subscription, La Cosa Preziosa records and creates

Short CutsShort documentaries and audio adventures stitched into beautifully thematic episodes

Slow RadioGo slow. Immersive audio explorations of place

Soundproof, Radiotonic: These past shows by the ABC’s Creative Audio Unit are chock full of treasures. Start with this series, and be sure to check out Soundproof’s Radio Yaks for curated radio art playlists by innovative makers



Since we’re only able to feature short works and extracts on our show, here is a sample of some of the longform docs that have inspired how we think about this work. This selection is just a taste - we will be updating and adding to this list regularly.

Children of Sodom and Gomorrah by Sharon Davis and Jens Jarisch

Everything, Nothing Harvey Keitel by Pejk Malinovski

The Leaves by Jaye Kranz

On a Shore Dimly Seen by Gregory Whitehead

Ecology of Sound on CBC Ideas ft. Hildegarde Westerkamp

Castles in the Air by Sarah Boothroyd

String by Natalie Kestecher



Creative Audio Archive: The Creative Audio Archive (CAA) is a Chicago based centre for the preservation and investigation of innovative and experimental sonic arts and music.

Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice: Part of University of the the Arts London, CRiSAP is dedicated to the exploration of the rich complexities of sound as an artistic practice.

Earlid: An online gallery of evolving exhibits of sound art.

New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) presents performances and installations spanning the entire spectrum of electroacoustic and experimental sound art. Lotsa great talks by rad sound artists in the archive here

Sonic Field: Bilingual (en/es) network on listening, sonic arts and sound studies. Features wonderful interdisciplinary articles, and a curated and interactive bookshelf with literature related to sound.

Third Coast: Third Coast also hosts massive database of works by radio producers and audio artists, available in useful playlists. Their site also includes recorded talks from all the past Third Coast Conferences, many of which are about sound design, creative structure, and documentary ethics.

Radia: is an international informal network of community radio stations that produce and share art works for the radio.

Radio Atlas: Radio Atlas is an English-language home for subtitled audio from around the world.

Radio Nouspace and RadioWeb MACBA: Curated museums and virtual listening galleries for historical and experimental audio art and other sound-based narrative projects.

Radio Papesse: A platform devoted to experimental sound and radiophonic productions. One project of theirs that we love is Suden Radio.

Radiophrenia: Radiophrenia is a temporary art radio station – an exploration into current trends in sound and transmission arts.

WaveFarm: An organization driven by experimentation with broadcast media and the airwaves. WaveFarm hosts fascinating artist talks (i.e. here and here!) on its radio station, and offers specialized transmission arts residencies.

World Listening Project: An organization devoted to understanding the world and its natural environment, societies and cultures through the practices of listening and field recording.

UbuWeb: An amazing web-based compilation of avant-garde materials including an expansive sound art archive.


Some lit we dig

Crafting Critical Stories: Toward Pedagogies and Methodologies of Collaboration, Inclusion, and Voice compiled by Judith Flores-Carmona and Kristen Luschen: This anthology explores how different genres of storytelling have been used to examine structures of oppression and to illuminate counter-narratives written with and by members of marginalized communities.

Deep Listening: A Composer's Sound Practice by Pauline Oliveros: We both cherish our copies of this book. It is an exciting guide to ways of listening and sounding, for thinking about how consciousness may be affected by profound attention to the sonic environment.

Earlid: Yes, we mentioned Earlid already, but thought we'd add it again to share this rich online discussion about the direction of radio art in the age of podcasting, moderated in the summer of 2017 by Joan Schuman and Gregory Whitehead. It is available as a pdf here.

Pink Noises compiled by Tara Rodgers: 24 sweet sweet interviews with women in electronic music and sound cultures, including club and radio DJs, remixers, composers, improvisers, instrument builders, and installation and performance artists.

RadioDoc Review: A digital journal critiquing audio documentaries from around the world

Reality Radio compiled by Josh Biewen: Essays by a range of audio storytellers, from journalists to audio artists, about using sound to tell true stories, artfully. 

Sounding Out!: A weekly online publication bringing together sound studies scholars, sound artists and professionals, and readers interested in the cultural politics of sound and listening

Wireless Imagination compiled by Gregory Whitehead: These essays piece together newly translated texts and essays about sound art and art about sound, from the late nineteenth century to the 1960s. It's useful context to learn how sound interacted with and was theorized within broader trends in contemporary art during this period.



Audiocraft: Podcast and audio festival in Sydney, Australia

Hearsay: A magical international audio arts festival in Kilfinane, Ireland

Megapolis: Roving site-specific sound art festival in the U.S.

Radio Revolten: An International Radio Art Festival in Halle, Germany

Third Coast: A yearly radio and podcast festival in Chicago, US



CC Search, Prelinger Archives, and Search engines for finding creative commons content for remixing

Converse Rubber Tracks Sample Library: If you do some digging, you can find some amazing music samples and stems in here for free use

Bedroom Producers Blog: A collection of (mostly) free plugins, advice on making music + more

Expanding Sound: Learn about DIY sound production and music making techniques, plus some good free music packs

Let's Learn About Waveforms: Interactive guide to learning about the fundamental physics of sound

Free Music Archive: Creative commons music library

Free to Use Sounds and Free Sound: Good free sound libraries that are updated often***

Oblique Strategies: Fun tool for creative blocks by Brian Eno

Sound Basics: Short 4 part tutorials by engineer Stella Gotshtein

Transom: While catered more to public radio makers than audio artists, Transom is an amazing resource when it comes to the building blocks of traditional radio storytelling, basic gear, and lessons from great producers

This clip of Bjork interviewing composer Arvo Pärt 

* we also encourage everyone to record their own sounds + build a relationship with the sounds you record*


If you have ideas of what we're missing, please let us know! 

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