Anna Friz
Anna Friz is a sound and media artist who specializes in multichannel radio transmission systems for installation, performance, and broadcast. Since 1998, she has created and presented new audio art and radiophonic works internationally in which radio is often the source, subject, and medium of the work. She also composes atmospheric sound works and sonic installations for theater, dance, film, and solo performance that reflect upon public media culture, political landscapes and infrastructure, time perception, the intimacy of signal space, and speculative fictions. Friz is Assistant Professor in the Film and Digital Media Department of the University of California, Santa Cruz. Hear more of her work here.

Air Can Break Your Heart
Anna Friz
March 23, 2018
I often have dreams where I try to fly by leaning backward until I'm floating just above the... I often have dreams where I try to fly by leaning backward until I'm floating just above the ground, then apply a modified breaststroke until I gain some height in a room or over a street before sinking inevitably back toward the earth to try again. This radio art piece relates such dreams of rising and falling through the fragile element of air to imagined communications and melancholic longings of waking life, where static and noise communicate potential and effort but where the desired voices and connections are tantalizingly brief or out of earshot.