Nishant Singh
Nishant Singh is a PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto. He studies animal behavior and evolutionary biology as it relates to the evolution of social behavior in spiders. Nishant also DJs and make music! IG: @sarovar__
Twitter: @nish_irl

Basic Ingredients
Clare Dolan, Nishant Singh, Kim Hiorthøy
August 28, 2020
What do eyes sound like? Does a spider’s abdomen sound furry or crunchy? How much sameness do I... What do eyes sound like? Does a spider’s abdomen sound furry or crunchy? How much sameness do I share with a cardinal? A mouse? Or the mold in the corners of my bathroom?... I should clean my bathroom? In BASIC INGREDIENTS we’re into objects - both seemingly inanimate and living - to reconsider our relationship to the spaces that surround us.
The Land Owns Us
August 28, 2020