Franco Falistoco Araya
Franco Falistoco Araya is an Argentinian radio producer and sound artist. In his work, he plays with sonic nuances, textures, and tonalities, and appeals to intimate and collective emotions. He makes work in which sound communicates without needing words. For a decade, Franco has been running El RUIDO es el Mensaje, or The NOISE is the Message, a radio project which uses noise as part of a broader sonic language. Find more of Franco’s work on Instagram or

Despojo (Dispossession)
Franco Falistoco Araya
February 15, 2019
"DESPOJO is a sound work which only uses sounds from an old vinyl record — clips and claps. I cut... "DESPOJO is a sound work which only uses sounds from an old vinyl record — clips and claps. I cut the big sound loop into fragments, creating small samples. Then I limited myself to using few processes — 1 equalizer, 1 reverb, and 1 delay."