Hildegard Westerkamp
Hildegard Westerkamp is a composer, radio artist and acoustic ecologist. She was born in Germany in 1946 and emigrated to Canada in 1968. After completing her music studies in the early seventies, Hildegard joined the World Soundscape Project under the direction of Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Vancouver.
Her involvement with this project not only activated deep concerns about noise and the general state of the acoustic environment in her, but it also changed her ways of thinking about music, listening and sound-making. Her ears were drawn to the acoustic environment as another cultural context or place for intense listening.
She is a founding member and is currently active on the board of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE). as well as the Canadian Association for Sound Ecology (CASE). Beyond this and many more accomplishments, Hildegard has composed stunning sound works that you should listen to including Beneath the Forest Floor and Cricket Voice.
These pieces and many more of her other works are available through her website, hildegardwesterkamp.ca

Whisper Study
Hildegard Westerkamp
July 12, 2019
"Whisper Study started out as an exercise in exploring basic tape techniques in the studio, using... "Whisper Study started out as an exercise in exploring basic tape techniques in the studio, using the whispered voice as sound material. It’s based on the sentence 'When there is no sound, hearing is most alert.'"