Missed Connections
Natalie Kestecher, Mike Williams, Yardain Amron
August 14, 2020
Do you ever feel like you’re not quite getting it? We live in a time of missed connections... Do you ever feel like you’re not quite getting it? We live in a time of missed connections expressed through misunderstandings, dropped calls and glitches. In this episode of Constellations, sit with us in an attempt to express the inexpressible. Oh, and a quack or two.
Feel the Sky
Bassel Al-Rahim, Jaye Kranz, Ariana Martinez
May 29, 2020
These works extend from the same starting point – a recording from 1992 made by a news reporter... These works extend from the same starting point – a recording from 1992 made by a news reporter unfamiliar with field recording, but entranced by a chance encounter with trumpeter swans on an icy lake.
Point Pelee
Ayaz Kamani
June 21, 2019
"All the birds exploded to life simultaneously, like someone was conducting them. Like they were... "All the birds exploded to life simultaneously, like someone was conducting them. Like they were all conducting each other. It was beautiful, symphonic."
Birds of Maio
Maile Colbert, Rui Costa
May 18, 2018
"I took the birds of May that Rui had sent and I added and layered through that personal archive... "I took the birds of May that Rui had sent and I added and layered through that personal archive we had... and it became Birds of Maio, which is from a dedication album for, at the time, our future daughter, called Future Memory for Odette."