El primer Espacio was produced by Sol Rezza in 2017. This work is part of the album entitled El augujero Negro (the black hole).
Sol says:
I like to tell the stories indirectly through sound, and create environments that produce sensations in the listeners.
This work reflects how human beings perceive the maternal uterus at the same time as our bodies and senses are developing. Our sense of hearing is not only related to the development of audition, but also to our understanding of all tactile sensations.
The uterus is a spatial experience that all human beings share but do not remember. Within it, we experience the rhythm of our mother’s heart and that of her breathing alongside the rhythm of our own heart. This first rhythm, so close in those 9 months of gestation, will shape how we will perceive the outside world and how our own sense of rhythm in life will develop.
My way of working is chaotic. I usually work with layers of sound, in this case transforming soundscape recordings I’d previously recorded.I like to discover rhythms in sounds that seem to have no rhythm, like the sound of traffic. I transform the sounds through oscillators and reverb effects. In this piece, the sound reverberations are designed to create the sensation of spatiality.
Inspiring Sol in the worlds of audio and beyond
Three books were fundamental, Michael Chion's book Sound, various texts by Marcel Ponty and the book The Eyes of the Skin.
My inspiration almost always comes from outside the radio. I look for inspiration in other arts including painting, books, movies, photography.
Born in 1982 in Argentina, Sol Rezza now lives in a small town west of Mexico City. She is regarded as a seminal voice in storytelling and radio art in Latin America. Her work explores how we perceive time and space through our senses, and how sounds influence perception in our daily lives.
Rezza has explored the materiality of sound for over 10 years. Her installations, performances and radio works create immersive sound worlds. She creates sound designs, compositions and experimental radio productions for different media and spaces out of her studio, founded in 2015. Her most recent work is an acoustic map of the city of Halle, created during the Radio Corax Radio Art Residency in 2018.
Find more of her work on her Soundcloud, YouTube, and Twitter.