No Event was written and composed by Miyuki Jokiranta. It features transplant recipient Carina Martin.
Miyuki writes:
Time functions asymmetrically in a doctor's waiting room. Our bodies keep their own time, which is rarely calibrated to half hour appointments, and we feel we're often left waiting. The smallest procedure can stretch to fill a day, and a year on waiting list, a lifetime. No Event is a plastic moment in a waiting room.
What's inspiring her in the world of radio:
I am loving Radio Atlas and getting lost in foreign language worlds, especially the reverence for space in Nordic works.
Inspiration outside of audio:
I've come back to the work of Tasmanian botanical artist, Lauren Black, who's observational drawings of moss blew me away the first time I saw them. The way they respect and represent the miniature is at once painstakingly meticulous and delightful.
Constellations says:
We love Miyuki's spacious and detailed approach to sound design. Her transitions between sequences pull us in and out of the narrative, as we float alongside the procedures.
When Miyuki Jokiranta realised her sense of smell wasn't too hot, and both her parents wore glasses, she decided to commit to sound. There is a faint ringing in her ears now, but she's not turning back. Miyuki presents Earshot on the ABC, produces creative documentaries for broadcasters worldwide and is gingerly making radio art since curating Soundproof. She loves the way Finnish rappers roll their r's and the sound of steam rising off hot stones in a sauna.
Miyuki was a part of Constellations' 2020 Season programming committee.