Sisters Akousmatica pay respect to the Palawa people as the traditional and ongoing custodians of Lutruwita and to elders past, present and future, and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded.
There are hundreds of small museums around Australia, ranging from tiny one-person passion projects, to well-organized and funded community organizations, covering diverse and fascinating topics from trains to shit, and mining to local heritage. These museums often rely on tourist foot traffic and word often mouth, and have nebulous opening hours.
How to document these often fragile nodes of community interaction and herstory as a matter of public record? Discover regional museum curators' feelings about their objects, audience and dust.
Follow Bacteria, a tour guide from the Pooseum, in a plastination of a chicken called Heidi.
Inspiring linx from Sisters Akousmatica to feed yr ears, minds, hearts
The work about Vera Wyse Munro by Celeste Oram resonates with our quest of Silent Key about reactivating secret network of female and non-binary radioactivists that are missing from herstory and our interpretation of Róisín Madigan O’Reilly instructional work.
Miyuki Jokiranta's Soundproof program supported previous commission by both Julia Drouhin and Phillipa Stafford of Sisters Akousmatica. Miyuki is a professional sound guidance for your ears and heart.
A Deaf Cinema for Thylacinus cynocephalus by Sally Ann McIntyre (born in Hobart, with responsive practice to place, and use of radio as instrument) reflects on extinct species, animals, plants, and soon human? We are questioning our ephemerality though radio medium, impact and resilience for communications with else and other.
Waratah Museum
This piece takes you to the Waratah Museum in Waratah north west lutruwita-Tasmania. I visited in 2010 and the museum experience stayed with me, as it was so obviously a labour of love and community service. In fact it was probably the original inspiration for this series.
Sisters Akousmatica create expanded radio projects which are concerned with collective practices, auditory-spatial exploration and the potential of emergent art forms to support and promote socio-cultural and gender minorities in the field of sound arts. Exploring the radical possibilities of transmission since 2016, they produce artworks in public space, retreats, workshops and publications.
Sisters Akousmatica wrote their first book/score SK for The People’s Library in 2018. They received the 2018 International Women’s Day Award for Women in Sound/Women on Sound, Goldsmiths University of London and were awarded with 3CR the CBAA Excellence in Music Programming award at the 2017 Community Broadcasting Association of Australia Conference.